Ballistic Science
Ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene
Dyneema® is the marketed ‘brand name’ of a lightweight high-strength fiber technically known as Ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene (UHMWPE). Dyneema® material has extremely long molecular chains that transfer load more effectively to the polymer backbone by strengthening inter-molecular interactions. These unique load transfer properties are make Dyneema so effective in ballistic armor applications and products.
The end result is an extremely rugged material, with the highest impact strength of any thermoplastic presently made. This breakthrough material has become the key ingredient for some of today’s most advanced industrial products. See Product Examples

By itself, the UHMWPE fiber is odorless, tasteless, and nontoxic. It is highly resistant to moisture, water, most corrosive chemicals, UV radiation and micro-organisms.
Dyneema® fibers can absorb extremely high amounts of energy, while the lighter weight material allows for ease of movement. Boasting a low profile 'pattern' that is perfect for stealth applications, our jackets feature Dyneema® and offer maximum protection with a minimum of detection.
Stronger & lighter
In some formats, Dyneema® boasts strength-to-weight ratios 15 times greater than steel and is also 40% higher than comparable aramid samples. The end-result is a fiber with a high degree of molecular orientation, and therefore exceptional tensile strength.
For personal armor, the fibers are aligned, bonded into sheets and then layered at various angles to give the resulting composite material strength in all directions. These sheets remain quite flexible and are only 0.20" thick, or about as thick as three 25 cent quarters stacked on top of each other.
The advanced Level IIIA ballistic packages we blend into our outerwear are certified by the NIJ as effective against most modern handgun threats seen on the street today.